Located at 1/73 Wakefield Street, Barry Jennings Chambers specialises in a broad range of criminal and related matters. Our experienced barristers regularly appear in the Magistrates, District and Supreme Courts of South Australia and can also appear in other local courts, tribunals, inquiries and other Australian jurisdictions.

Steven Millsteed K.C. is our head of chambers. He is joined by a leading team of client-oriented barristers who are well known for their pragmatic advice and effective advocacy.

Our barristers are:

Among the areas of practice in which our practitioners specialise are:

Criminal Law Trials and Appeals


Coronial Inquests

Inquiries and Inquests

Disciplinary Proceedings

Royal Commissions

Barry Jennings Chambers was founded in 2021 and is named in honour of Barry Jennings K.C.

Barry Jennings K.C. was the former Crown Prosecutor of South Australia, former Chief Counsel of the Legal Services Commission, barrister and judge of the District Court of South Australia.

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1/73 Wakefield St, Adelaide, SA 5000


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